Columns News

Knight’s Corner – April 2019

First off I would like to thank all of the volunteers of the lodge – kitchen, bar, grounds workers, etc. and the dishwashers. Without all of your help and hard work this would not be the incredible lodge that it is.

Well, the officers made it through Step up Night, and I think we did quite well. We are all practicing hard for the Ritual Competition in Ukiah on May 4th and hope to put on a good performance and represent our lodge well. We curre ntly have two officer positions vacant so if you are interested or just itching to wear a tux, contact us.

Any donations to the Elks National Foundation are always greatly appreciated but those who donate $100.00 or more can have their name or a loved one’s name added to the ENF Burl on the wall by the fireplace. Please contact me at 498-1895 if interested. Lastly, I would like to thank Dennis Hunter and his lovely wife Karen for their wonderful service this last year.

Scott Reinsmith, Loyal Knight/ENF Chair