Columns News

Redwood Roamers – April 2019

The Redwood Roamers met on March 6th. We recognized Howard Ritter for being named “Rookie Volunteer of the Year” in Eureka Lodge 652. We welcomed new members Dave/Jeanne Dorris and Ernest/Janis Branscomb. The major portion of our meeting was listening to reports on our outings.

Our first outing was the “Go Nowhere Winter Retreat” at our own Elks Lodge RV Park. As you can see, the weather was perfect and the event was a great success. We had 13 rigs and over 40 Roamers and Elk members participate.

We have also scheduled the following outings for the year:

  • 49er RV Ranch in Columbia: April 26th—29th
  • Host Redding RV Club at our Lodge: May 3rd-4th
  • Lewiston: May 30th—June 3rd
  • Reedsport/Winchester Bay: June 13th—17th
  • Florence and Gold Beach: September
  • Labor Day Weekend at Klamath RV Park: August 30th—September 3rd

Thank you to the Roamers who stepped forward to plan our outings. Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 3rd at 4:30 pm at the Lodge. Any Elk member interested in joining the Redwood Roamers are welcome to attend.

Dale A Stockly, Wagon Master