Columns News

Secretary’s Note – April 2019

Well, we had another big initiation group for step-up night. Welcome to new members: Jon Adams, Ken Akana, Laura Avila, Glenn Bayless, Janis Bendle, Janis Branscomb, Brian Bynum, James Christiansen, Erica Farnum, Dylan Forbes, Carolyn Ford, Jon Gagnon, Scott Hicks, Jeral Johnson, Donna Landry-Rehling, Ashley Lehman, Jesse Nolan, and Willie Shiwaika.

Also, it should be noted there is a by-laws amendment in process. Article X, Sections 3 & 4 Dues and Fees. Reinstatement is $50.00. Due to a misprint, it is listed at $30.00.

I would also like to take this time to congratulate the officers for a great job at step-up night and to thank ER Dennis Hunter for a fantastic year and Mark Householter for five years of service on the Board of Trustees.

Ernie Nunes, PER, Lodge Secretary