Columns News

Trustee’s Corner – February 2019

Hello to the membership,

It’s starting to feel a bit like Spring! We’re planning an outdoor Lodge work party for April (a date will be scheduled and posted next month).

  • The new convection ovens are in use by the cooking crews with thumbs up.
  • The new phone system is installed and plans for the voice mail boxes to be set up is being planning by
    the house committee.
  • The new steam table is scheduled to arrive the first week of February.

Last but not least the 1st of game of the Jenga Challenge between the Redwood Roamers and the Lodge Trustees & Officers was held Wednesday, January 23rd after Taco Tuesday with an awesome group in attendance cheering and lending support to players with Team Elks securing a win. Game 2 set for Wednesday January 30. Follow the game! To date $210 was raised for the Veterans and Boy Scout accounts.

Thank You all for your support; FUN WAS HAD BY ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Respectfully and Fraternally,
Kevin Christie, Chairman, Board of Trustees