Columns News

Veterans’ Committee Report – February 2019

The Eureka Elks Veterans Committee has been busy already this year. In the month of January, we had four Veterans join the lodge; welcome to our new lodge Veterans.

Eureka Elks Lodge #652 Veterans Committee recently donated $1000.00 to Dell’Arte for its showing of “Radioman,” a play about solders and PTSD ranging from the Vietnam War to the current War in Afghanistan.

The Veterans Committee is looking for all Korean War Veterans. If you are a Korean War Veteran or know of a Korean War Veteran (that is not deceased) that served between the dates of June 25, 1950 – July 27, 1953, please provide the Eureka Veterans Committee with your information. You can obtain an information card from the Eureka Elks Lodge or at the Eureka VA Clinic at 930 W. Harris Street, or have one mailed to you by calling the Eureka VA Clinic Member Services Rep Kelly Stephens at (707) 269-7549.

This year’s Veterans Committee and Eureka VA Car Show will be held on Friday June 28th from 11-3. In the coming weeks registration forms will be available for pick up at the Eureka Elks Lodge or the Eureka VA Clinic at the front desk. If you have any questions regarding this car show please call Kelly Stephens at the number above.

If you would like to join the Veterans Committee please contact me at (707) 599-0483.

Casey Stephens, US Army, Retired
Veterans’ Committee Chairman