Columns News

Exalted Ruler’s Column – January 2018

Let me be among the first to wish you a very happy New Year! This is always the time of year we all make New Year’s Resolutions. Some of them we keep, others fall by the wayside. But, I hope you make and keep a resolution to come on out and enjoy your lodge. We’ll have all kinds of activities that you and your family can enjoy.

Here’s another resolution I hope you’ll make: to become a volunteer at the lodge. We need more cooks in the kitchen, more bartenders behind the bar and more who can help serve meals, be cashiers, take tickets at events, and tile the door. Remember, this is your lodge. Together, we can all make it even more successful and more enjoyable for our fellow Elk members.

We want to continue to make improvements to your lodge. There is an E.R. Suggestion Box in the hallway outside of the Clerk’s office. Please feel free to write any suggestions and I’ll pass them along to our House Committee and to our Board of Trustees.

Finally, make a resolution to take part in our events. This month, enjoy the Weekend in the Redwoods on January 11th through 13th where you can meet Elks
from other lodges. Then, we’ll have a visit from our State President-Elect Tim Jaeger on Saturday, January 26th where you can win some valuable prizes. Be sure to read the Herd Talk and “like” us on Facebook for more details on these and other upcoming events.

Together, we’re Elks! Here’s to 2019!
Dennis Hunter, Exalted Ruler