Columns News

Redwood Roamers – November 2018

At the Redwood Roamers meeting on October 3rd the following report was given on the outing to Apple Hill:
A first of its kind caravan of Roamers left Eureka on Thursday September 27th for the Placerville area. When we turned east on Highway 20 we were spread out so as to not cause traffic congestion, but we congregated for lunch at the casino in Upper Lake. Upon arriving at Hwy 16 (Rumsey cutoff) we headed south toward Woodland with a destination of a Yolo County Campground on Cache Creek with no hookups (dry camp). This was a first-time experience for a few in the caravan, but all weathered the adversity with confidence and lots of support. Our evening meal of venison stew added to the adventure followed by dessert around the campfire.

Our destination of Placerville was selected for the experience of the Apple Hill Apple Festival and dinner at the Placerville Elks in Shingle Springs. We joined in the lodge’s fun activity playing Jenga during and after dinner with one of our crew being a winner at the game (more on this later). Saturday was an Apple Hill adventure day with apple strudel, apple turnover and apple everything day! A few of the Roamers left Sunday for home, some stayed another night before returning to Eureka and others ventured on for more RV adventure. As usual everyone had a great time and enjoyed the nightly campfires.

After arriving back in Eureka, the excitement of Jenga continued to the point of wanting to involve our lodge in the game. Bill Barton funded the purchase of a game for our lodge. The idea is to get it out and play it during dinner at BPOE #652. Come join in the fun and test your skill, strength and calm playing Jenga at dinner on a Wednesday evening soon.

The Roamers cooked breakfast at the lodge on October 21st. We had a great turnout, at least 120 turned out for the breakfast. The next outing will be to Benbow RV Park on November 1st – 4th. There are 22 RVs going on this outing. We will be decorating a Xmas tree at the Lodge on November 12th at 5pm.

The next Roamers meeting will be November 7th, at 4:30. Any lodge member who is interested may attend.