
Redwood Roamers – 2018

Thursday, August 2, we had a total of 7 rigs at the Elks RV Park north of the town of Florence, Oregon. This is an absolutely beautiful Elks RV Park! We had our usual Heavy Hors-d’oeuvres. and no lack of food in-cluding breakfast provided over at Loren & Sue’s trailer – the gathering place, each morning by Greasers, Hank and Mitzi Beck. Each evening Tom Gill & Loren lit our firepits in front of Loren & Sue’s. Friday morning most of us ventured downtown to the waterfront for some recreational shopping and lunch. After lunch we headed to Sandland Adventures for the Dune Buggy Ride. A great time was had by all. Friday night we had a fantastic dinner at the Elks Lodge #1858 in Florence: great meal, great company. Saturday morning some of the gals went to the Garden Store. Several of us went to the fascinating Oregon Coast Military Museum out at the airport. Others went back to Sandland Adventures for Mini Golf. We gathered at the RV park playground for Washers and a BBQ. We had Sirloin Steak Hamburgers with all the fixins’. Of course, WAY too much food. Then the usual evening firepit to roast marshmallows.

Sunday we headed south to Gold Beach. We were going to stay at a park on the river, because there were so few going, Hank took us 15 miles inland to Quosatana Campground in the Siskiyou National Forest. Since it is a National Forest campground, Seniors with Senior Passes only paid $10 for the night. This is the most beautiful National Forest Campground I have ever seen. So quiet, wild turkeys an deer right in our camping spaces, AND, a million blackberries! Hank, Mitzi, Loren, Sue, and Tom Gill had a beautiful evening right on the Rogue River with the campfire (real wood) and the stars. The Brugas needed hookups so they stayed in an RV park close to town. Art was feeling a little wimpy but survival is our mantra. After picking gallons of blackberries the smoke was coming in on Sunday morning from the fires up stream so we packed it up and headed to the most beautiful spot on the coast, Eureka, we found it.

On Friday, August 18th, 15 Roamers gathered at the Lodge to do some weed-eating, cutting blackberries vines and general clean up. It was a great crew and we got a lot done. The Lodge served us a great lunch at noon. A big thanks to everyone who attended. We might schedule another cleanup and mowing in a week or two. The next meeting is September 5th at 4:30pm.