
Trustees Corner – September 2018

Your Trustees have been very busy this last month with our DDGER Visitation which includes Lodge Safety inspections and Audits with Sandy Gowan’s staff. We have repaired and completed the west side of the lodge entrance off Herrick Avenue. Thank you to Wendy Brown who painted the Patriotic address painted on the east side entrance curb. Many, many thanks to the Lodge’s Redwood Roamers RV group that spruced up the outdoor yard/lawn area. Looks great!

Summer is rapidly coming to an end and schools are beginning to start up. Please be extra mindful when driving in and around our school areas. If you have any concerns, questions or safety issues at the lodge, please contact our Exalted Ruler, Dennis Hunter, or myself, or write your concerns and place that in the ER Suggestion Box located in the hall next to the office.