
People & Events

Eureka Elks Lodge No. 652 presented $2,000.00 to Families Advocating AutismNow ( FAAN). FAAN was founded in 2009 by seven mothers of children with autism. They provide grants for Equine Assisted Therapy, Aquatics, Autism Awareness Book Donations and educational Grants for teachers. They also host monthly, Motion Picture Sensory Screenings, Fun for FAAN Open Gyms and a
Parent/Caregiver Support Group. They are working to create new programs to help spread autism awareness. Sandy Gowan, District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler (DDGER) was present to be part of this very important donation. Her district is the Pacific Northwest from the Golden Gate Bridge to the Oregonborder. She is very involved in helping local Elks Lodge improve their membership and community involvement. She was very proud to be part of this donation. For further information on FAAN, visit the web site Pictured from left to right: Sandy Gowan, DDGER; Rachel Williams, Treasure FAAN; Kaileigh Klammes, President FAAN; Kathy Winter, Board Member FAAN and Dennis Hunter, Exalted Ruler Eureka Elks Lodge NO. 652.