
Veterans’ Committee Update – August 2018

Greetings from the Veterans Council. Can you believe that we are already into August? At the end of June, the Lodge and Eureka VA Clinic had our 2nd Annual Veterans Car Show. The car show had an awesome turnout with 56 cars and motorcycles! We served 164 people at dinner that evening to honor 19 WWII Veterans with the assistance from staff from the Eureka VA Clinic, Boy Scout Troop #27, and volunteers from the Kohls Cares Program. Thank you to the Lodge and the Veterans Council for their continued support of our Veterans programs. Without all of you it would not be possible to do these things for our Veterans and our Veteran Community.

October 5, 6, & 7th is this year’s North Coast Stand Down. We need clothing donations. If you have donations, please bring them to the Lodge or notify me or another Veterans Council Member so that we can make sure that they get added to our donation pile for the Stand Down.

November 8th is this year’s R.E.D Friday Event for all Veterans. We are in need of monetary donations for this event. If you would like to donate to the Elks Veterans Council for this event, please speak to me.

Casey Stephens, US Army, Ret. Veterans’ Committee Chairman