Events News

Officer Installation

Dennis Hunter (pictured) will be installed as Exalted Ruler of Eureka Elks Lodge No. 652 on Saturday March 24th. Dennis is a long time resident of Eureka and has served on many boards and committees in the county. Some of the organizations that he has worked with are Keet-TV, City of Eureka Financial Advisory, Reading Services of the Redwoods, Ingomar Club Board of Director, Commissioner of Humboldt Bay Harbor, Executive Board Easter Seals of Northern California, American Cancer Society, Eureka Rotary Club, Eureka Chamber of Commerce, Redwood Region Economic Development Commission, Humboldt County Convention and Visitors Bureau and Humboldt Masonic Lodge No. 79. Installation will be at 5:00pm with social and a Roasted New York Strip dinner to follow. Cost $20.00 per person. For your reservation contact the lodge 442-6652 no later than Monday March 19th.