
Volunteer Appreciation Dinner Recap

Eureka Elks Lodge held its annual Awards Dinner for Volunteer of the Year, Elk of the Year and Officer of the Year on March 10th. The majority of the work at the lodge is accomplished by members volunteering their time and talents. It is very hard to choose those members for the award, out of the many who volunteer. This year was no different. The Exalted Ruler, Jennifer Cory, thanked the 150 volunteers who attended the dinner for all their hard work.

The volunteer of the year did not go to a single member but to a couple, Dan and Angie Jenkinson, for the many hours they put in working in the kitchen. Pictured from left to right: Gwen Morris, accepted the Award for Elk of the Year, Vicki Matthews (not pictured); Volunteers of the year, Dan & Angie Jenkinson; Officer of the year, Chaplain, Jim Kloss and Jennifer Cory, Exalted Ruler.