Columns News

Trustees Corner – March 2018

The Trustees have been working on the budget for next fiscal year, which begins April 1, 2018. The budget will be posted on the lodge bulletin board for your review.

March is a very busy month at the lodge. Kevin and crew will be in the kitchen for the Wild Game Feed on Sunday, March 4th. The Children’s Easter Party, which is a little early this year, will be on March 10th begin-ning at 10 AM. The Easter bunny has promised to visit and there will be fun, games and treats. The Volunteer Appreciation dinner is also on March 10th with cocktails at 5 and dinner, which I believe is CYOS, at 6 PM. I, and other lodge officers, will be working in the kitchen so our volunteers can relax and enjoy dinner. We often forget to let volunteer know how much we appreciate their service to the lodge. Please remember to say “Thank You For Your Service” next time you encounter a volunteer. Remember, we would not exist without our volunteers.

The Installation of Officers will occur on Saturday, March 24th. Please show your support for our incoming Exalted Ruler Dennis Hunter and his officers by attending this event. My term as Chairman of the Board of Trustees ends on March 31, 2018. I would like to thank all of those who offered advice and guidance during my term.

Fraternally yours,
Mark Householter, Chairman, Board of Trustees