
Message from the Leading Knight – February 2018

As you can see by reading this edition of Herd Talk, you can tell that February is a busy month. One of the highlights of the month is the Purple Pig dinner, held on Sunday, February 11th. For those of you who have been filling your pigs with coins, this is your chance to bring in your pig and win some prizes. We’ll give out awards for the most Original Purple Pig, the Richest Purple Pig and the Heaviest Purple Pig! And, for all us hams, we’ll have a delicious pork dinner!

The event will begin with cocktails at 4:00 pm and dinner at 5:00 pm. Bring your family and friends and have some fellowship and fun. A big thanks to Shelley from Rendezvous Music for counting up all the cash!

All proceeds from this event will go toward the California-Hawaii Elks’ Major Project which comes to the aid of children with disabilities throughout both states.