Columns Events News

2023 Installation of Officers

On March 25th, Eureka Elks Lodge No. 652 held its 122nd annual installation of officers. The lodge was founded in 1901 and first met in old town on 2nd street, between F & G. In the early 1920s it moved to the corner on 5th & H Street and later moved to its current location at 445 Herrick Avenue. It is one of the most active lodges in California with over 1400 members. They give their time and financial support to help with many charitable actives in our community. Pictured from left to right, front row: Lecturing Knight, Larry Vance; Loyal Knight, Nina Strang; Exalted Ruler, Shawn Doebel; Leading Knight, Barry Smith; Treasurer, William Lambo; Inner Guard, Shawna Bobillot. Back row: Esquire, Brett Engle; Tiler, Dan Rickman; Organist, Gina Black; Secretary, Ernie Nunes; Trustees, Karen Hunter, Sherie Bialous, Scott Thomason, Pierre Carbonneau and Alan Bobillot.