Meet You 2018 Officers

Eureka Elks Lodge No. 652 held it 117th annual Installation of officers on March 24th. The lodge was founding in 1901 and first met in old town. In the 1920’s it moved to the corner of H and 5th Streets and in the mid 1970’s moved to its current location on Herrick Ave. The lodge is one of the most active lodge’s in California with over 1400 members. It is not only active with local charities but the lodge is used for many community events.

Pictured from left to right, front row: Secretary, Ernie Nunes; Lecturing Knight, Scott Riensmith; Leading Knight, Gwen Carroll; Exalted Ruler, Dennis Hunter; Loyal Knight, Kathy Payne; Treasurer, Gary Payne and Organist, Dale Colson. Back row: Tiler, Dennis Doty; Inner Guard, Eddie Morgan; Chaplain, Casey Stephens; Esquire, Jim Kloss and Trustees, Marta Martinez, Terry Long, Mark Householter and Bob Gish; not pictured, Kevin Christie.